

i'll be back!

Ed: (famous last words??)

Follow up( a month++ later...):

The slack time between the arousal of my conscience and the hitting of the keyboard got a little( modesty, huh!) longer than necessary. But then, its actually difficult to proclaim the requirement of a "hiatus". And believe me its more difficult than the act of submitting a resignation...like the way, its downright easy to draw a full-stop, but the insertion of a comma stays an enigma for many a literary genius. I wouldn't start to justify my disappearing act from Vibe, but the way i told it to the Ed, lets reiterate. Its just that i am taking a vacation. so, while my column rests under the newborn "Relics" , i came in to wish Vibe all the luck in my absence.

- Arundhoti


At 9:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

u off for higher studies or what? neways.miss u.

At 7:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ur vacation is getting quite long.When wud u be bck? waiting to read u again.

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